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Native Plants

Habitat destruction decreases the number of native plants in an area and despite best efforts to plant diverse plants in managed landscapes, often native plants are underutilized. These plants offer a food source and habitat for regional wildlife. Plant species can be native to large geographic areas, but some are very region specific. Many large retailer send plant seed to their stores all over the country, meaning it is not likely native to the region it is being sold in. Although those packages says they are good to bees and butterflies, a native species could be most beneficial to the habitat. Native plants in our landscapes would most resemble the ecosystem before human manipulation, and attract pollinators to lay their larva. 

Many ecological conservation agencies have undertaken the project of conserving native plant species specific to their region. The Mount Cuba Center in Delaware is dedicated to this cause. They recognize that native plants are a great habitat to native wildlife. They website is full of great links and resources, I found a few on this page, one of which links to Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. Bowman's Hill explains why using native plants is beneficial saying "Native plants make beautiful, functional and environmentally smart additions to any garden. By planting native plant gardens, you can help to preserve the native plants that are disappearing from our natural areas as well as create small oases for native wildlife." Read more about what Bowman's Hill has to say here

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